Sunday, November 3, 2013

Triumphs and Troubles...

Last week we did a compare and contrast writing assignment for our unit 1 Social Studies. I think because I gave the students the rubric and expectations first, the quality of work I had turned in was better. I was so impressed with their writing and ideas! I also made some phone calls home this week just to check in with some parents. They were so appreciative and supportive and were very happy to hear from me. It felt good to be supported and it just reminded me that communication with parents is important and not to wait too long to get them involved.

I'm struggling with grading. We are in a transition year and we have moved to standards based grading. I really like standards based grading and it is what I have done for the past 4 years. I struggle because half of my team still uses the old grading and it's hard for them to make that transition. They are grading all the daily work assignments with the old grading and it's making the connection between the two difficult. I want to follow what the rest of the team is doing but it's making grading harder...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it hard when people can't change!? How does it effect you if they don't change? Do you share kids with them? I work with some people that are having a hard time accepting new ways of doing things using technology. I hope I'm not like this in 20 years! :-)
