Sunday, November 24, 2013

Marzano Effective Teaching Strategies

While reading the chapter on instructional strategies there were a few ideas that surprised me. The first idea that really stuck out to me was how effective tutoring was on the Hattie table. I wouldn’t have thought of this being that effective. After thinking about it I could see it being effective especially if it is one on one tutoring. They are getting extra practice at their level. I was also surprised to see how effective homework is. This is such a controversial topic and this is my first year using homework routinely. I think I need to make sure they get feedback every time to make it really meaningful. I was not surprised to see similarities and differences being one of the most effective strategies on Marzano’s table. This concept involves kids thinking deeply and making connections to what they read. I can understand why this is so effective. I was a little surprised to see how high note taking and summarizing was on the list. I think this is something that doesn’t get used as much especially in the lower grades, instead I think we just get right into the doing.

The strategies I want to implement more in my classroom over the next few weeks are:
1. Summarizing and note taking
2. Homework and practice

3. Nonlinguistic representation

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Technology Implementation

Over the last 2 weeks I have been implementing and trying out a few new technology resources. We have been studying how to use questions during reading. After a few days I had students create an educreations video on how and why good readers question while they read. After practicing the students created their own video. This was definitely a learning experience. Some of the videos turned out great and it was good to see them modeling how to question using their book. A few struggles we had were you can't redo a recording if you mess up. Also, you can't save a presentation and come back to it and edit. If I used this app again I would use it to have students explain how to do a problem or how to do something. It is great for short clips and modeling something.

I also implemented edmodo this week. I just introduced it to my students but most of them have used it before in our media class. They were so excited to use it in our homeroom and they were all really engaged. I only posted one question for them to respond to. I told them to respond to the question and to one other person. I also posted a short quiz on questioning. I can tell this is going to be a great tool to use. The students were already interacting with each other and looking at what others posted. This could be a great collaboration tool. I can have students upload assignments, take quizzes, post reflections, etc. The best thing about implementing technology is to first play around with it with my students. Most of them can teach each other or even me how to do some things. Going into it knowing that we will be teaching each other allows me to be pretty calm and open about using new technology. Every time I introduce something new I usually have an assignment that doesn't involve a whole lot of instruction and new learning so we can try it out and focus on the technology.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Being present as a teacher means I am open ideas, opinions and topics. I listen and gather information about things before I make up my own view. In order to be a present learner or teacher I need to see struggles and difficulties as an opportunity to do something about them. Instead of dwelling or complaining about a problem I find ways to fix it. I try new things and own up to my mistakes.

I feel presence is apparent in my teaching everyday. Students are welcomed to share their ideas in our classroom on how things should work. We do a lot of group work and collaboration for problem solving and we encourage different ways of solving problems. I am always adapting my lessons and activities based on what my students need and although I like structure, I am flexible with in allowing activities to take their own shape. We do a lot of reflection in our room about the positives of our lessons or behavior. Students are expected to reflect on their own learning and participation.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Marzano Teacher Factors

Teacher factors:
·      Continue learning and trying best practice.
·      Passion and care for the students and the job
·      Building relationships with students
·      Adjusts teaching to what the students need

·      Instructional strategies
·      Classroom management
·      Classroom curriculum design

a) Which factors matched what you predicted? b) Which factors didn’t match?  Which ones did you miss? Which ones did you include that weren’t in his list?  Why do you think that is?  Make sense of those differences.

            A few of the factors that I predicted matched what Marzano says are the teacher level factors. We both agreed that best practice and instructional strategies are important for student learning. I’m not sure if management would include student relationships but I am surprised he didn’t talk more about building relationships. This also ties into children’s learning principals and how they need to know what the routines are and feel safe.  I didn’t really think of putting classroom curriculum design in with teacher level factors but I could see how it could fit. Even if there was an agreed upon curriculum all teachers don’t teach it the same or to the same rigor. It would be interesting to read more about grouping procedures/ teacher behaviors that Creemers said was an effective factor and why he put that as number one.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


After reading about Project Red I have set a few goals for myself and the implementation of technology in my classroom. Thankfully I have pretty good access to technology if I need it. We have school Ipads and multiple computer labs. My new goal is to implement technology at least two times a week (I know it says daily technology leads to success but I'm starting small). My other goal is to use technology as a collaboration tool for my students. I'm thinking of using Edmodo more since my students already know how to use that. I'm hoping to have a place for discussion and idea sharing for my homeroom students. Whatever I do with technology I want to make sure I am not just substituting and using it for something they could already do on their own (cut and paste or word processing).

Triumphs and Troubles...

Last week we did a compare and contrast writing assignment for our unit 1 Social Studies. I think because I gave the students the rubric and expectations first, the quality of work I had turned in was better. I was so impressed with their writing and ideas! I also made some phone calls home this week just to check in with some parents. They were so appreciative and supportive and were very happy to hear from me. It felt good to be supported and it just reminded me that communication with parents is important and not to wait too long to get them involved.

I'm struggling with grading. We are in a transition year and we have moved to standards based grading. I really like standards based grading and it is what I have done for the past 4 years. I struggle because half of my team still uses the old grading and it's hard for them to make that transition. They are grading all the daily work assignments with the old grading and it's making the connection between the two difficult. I want to follow what the rest of the team is doing but it's making grading harder...