5 Key ideas to remember for next year:
1.At home reading program: “the quantity of children’s
reading experience is related directly to their achievement.” I usually have a
good chunk or our reading time for independent reading. What many of my
students lack is reading at home. I want to create some sort of
incentive/parent program and really implement it with fidelity. We have PAKRAT
but I don’t promote it and check so I want to make something that is easy to
check and hold the students accountable.
2.Use word work differentiation. Include phonic skills for
lower students and vocabulary development for higher students daily/weekly. Include 10-15 minutes of daily word work activities for students at all levels.
3. Provide opportunities for a variety of different text. I
usually let the students choose their own books but I want to keep better track
of what they are reading and encourage them to read a variety of different
text. Set up a program like star club
where the students have to finish 4-5 assignments each month which include book
responses and writing projects. The students do it on their own and the teacher
conferences with them throughout the month.
4. Daily/every other day response. I want to set up more
time for students to share with others what they are reading about. If I set up the sharing topic of the day then
they have a directive and can prepare during independent time. It will also be
easier to see who is finishing books.
5. Model/teacher read aloud. Create mini-lessons where the
teacher reads and models how to think out loud and model behavior of what a
good reader looks like. Also provide opportunities for students to practice
what the teacher has modeled and reflect on it.